Send en protest til Finlands ambassade

21 March, 2011


I dag er det den internationale protestdag mod den finske pelsindustri.

I både 2010 og 2011 har den finske dyreretsforening Oikeutta Eläimille afsløret miserable forhold for de millioner af mink, mårhunde og ræve, der holdes indespærret på de finske farme.

I dag opfordres dyrevenner over hele Europa derfor til at kontakte deres ambassade og protestere over de elendige forhold, dyrene lever under og opfordre til en afvikling af industrien.


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Dear Ambassador Maarit Jalava,

I write to bring to your attention the situation at Finnish fur farms. Recently a thorough undercover investigation revealed the horrors and widespread animal suffering on the farms. In February 2011 an animal rights organisation, Oikeutta Eläimille, published vidoes and images of 83 fur farms, recorded and photographed in 2010. This footage received huge attention and resulted in a public outcry.  A year earlier, shocking footage from 32 fur farms was shown on national television. The over 100 farms filmed cover more than 10 % of all Finnish fur farms. Footage from all these farms can be seen at

This recent investigation has documented foxes with missing legs, puppies eating their dead siblings, terrible gashes, injuries, stereotypical behavior, cannibalism, lame animals, severe eye infections, gum infections, open wounds and rotting corpses riddled with worms and left in cages with living animals.

Investigation includes fur farms from 35 municipalities from all around Finland. Over 90 % of all farms investigated had animals with eye infections. More than half of the farms had animals with ear injuries. Over 30 % of the farms had animals with open wounds.

Wounds and other injuries are very shocking. But the worst suffering is not so easy to see. Wild animals are kept in small cages without any possibility to act according to their natural behavior. This causes stress and mental suffering for the animals. These problems cannot be fixed with official inspections or control.

I strongly encourage that Finland follows the lead of many other European countries and ban fur farming, since this is the only way to stop the animal suffering at fur farms.